Mission Fujairah 2022

Lives Impacted: 3

On 28th July 2022, Fujairah experienced record-breaking torrential rain. Residents suffered as their houses were swamped with dirt and mud. Aster Volunteers answered the rain victims’ call of anguish through the Support Fujairah initiative. In this three-day mission, a team of 9 Aster Volunteers traveled from Dubai to associate with Youth India Fujairah and Aster Clinics, Fujairah, to clean and disinfect the damaged houses. Our defenders of humanity thoroughly spruced up the houses of Mr. Manoj Alex, Mr. Uday Kumar, and Mr. Muralidharan, bringing their homes back to livable condition. The families appreciated our heroes’ kindness and their smiles fueled us to strive ahead on the path of compassion.

kishore sudhakaran

Kishore Sudhakaran-Mechanical Engineer

<p>Having participated in various Covid-19 relief activities like food and gift distribution and responding to distress calls, Kishore Sudhakaran learned a lot about responsibility. It also gave him immense joy to be able to give back to his community in Sharjah during the pandemic.</p>

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