DIVA 4.0

Lives Impacted: 100

Diva 4.0, an event of self-care and inclusivity, for and by the women. The occasion was graced by the presence of eminent women leaders like Dr. Malathi Arshanapalai, Group Chief, Medical & Quality Office, Sarah Ilyas, Chief Nursing Officer, Aster Hospitals & Aster Clinics UAE, Akanksha Dicholkar, Group CNO, Medcare Hospitals & Medcare Medical Centers and Dr. Shanila Laiju, Chief Executive Officer, Medcare Hospitals & Medcare Medical Centers. We thank all the eminent leaders for joining us and to celebrate womanhood and for making the event a huge success! Let us keep on appreciating her contributions everyday.

kishore sudhakaran

Kishore Sudhakaran-Mechanical Engineer

<p>Having participated in various Covid-19 relief activities like food and gift distribution and responding to distress calls, Kishore Sudhakaran learned a lot about responsibility. It also gave him immense joy to be able to give back to his community in Sharjah during the pandemic.</p>

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