Showing children the way of kindness.
Before Aster Hospital, Al Qusais opened its doors, we invited the changemakers of tomorrow to create a testament for the world to see. Around 60 children planted trees inside the campus and created ‘Wahdah’ - an art installation.
‘Wahdah’ is a promise made by children from different walks of life, united in the message that we can only affect kindness in the world outside if we are kind from within.
The children worked, played, and learned together as they used their imagination and creativity to fill the artwork with colors and hope. The piece now stands as a reminder for us all to be kind, inclusive, and unbiased; or simply put - humane.
National cleanliness drive conducted in India.
My India Healthy India 1.0, was a mission driven by our chairman Dr. Moopen, who on the 70th anniversary of Indian independence
Providing medical care to the underprivileged.
Aster Volunteers partnered with the Emirates Red Crescent, Dubai to launch ‘Smile’ - a program to help bring medic
<p>Ayesha has been a part of Aster Volunteer initiatives since 2013. She works in an administerial position as a manager and her involvement with Aster Volunteers helps her deal with stress by giving her a sense of fulfilment.</p>
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